Adam Cormack

Cornerstone MGI Rick Rainone

Adam Cormack –

Adam joined Cornerstone in 2006 and has supported the financial tracking for multiple Bond Programs to ensure that all commitments are tracked and logged during the course of each project. Additionally Adam has managed a variety of projects with increasing levels of complexity and challenges. With 10 years of experience Adam is a vital member of the Cornerstone team and consistently completes projects on time and within budget.


  • Program Budget Management
  • Hillsboro School District – Hare Field Grandstands/Turf Field Replacement
  • Hillsboro High School – Locker Room
  • Petersen Elementary School – LEED Gold Replacement building
  • Scappoose High School Auditorium & Classroom Addition LEED Gold
  • Salem Keizer Public Schools, Repair and Renovation Projects, mechanical retrofit + controls, concrete floor polishing, envelop seal/repair, lighting, window replacement
  • David Douglas High School, 3-phase renovation, student concessions, new kitchen refrigeration cooler, abatement, concrete flooring polishing, mechanical retrofit + controls, lighting,
  • Philomath Middle School / High School / Blodget Elementary, addition and remodel


Portland Community College, Associate Science Business Degree
Portland State University 2017, BS Business Administration