"It was great working with Cornerstone
on the Gresham-Barlow School
District projects. They were always
professional, courteous, willing to
work with us, and just all-around good
people. Thank you for your work and for the great school projects for Gresham."
Sean BlaireCity of Gresham
"I have worked with Cornerstone Management Group on many educational projects in Oregon that were successfully completed for the benefit of all stakeholders."
John HoworthPresident Clackamas County Business Alliance
“The staff at Cornerstone is professional, knowledgeable and willing to work with the design team. Their knowledge of each building, the site conditions, and ability to work with owners were invaluable in laying the groundwork for coordinating all logistics and managing tight budgets. We especially appreciate their willingness to problem-solve during the course of construction.”
Steven NelsenA/A Senior Associate Opsis Architecture, LLP
"Cornerstone's expertise in the bidding process resulted in most of our projects
coming in under budget. They helped us to secure the right contractors for the right
jobs at the right price. Cornerstone was also instrumental in assisting David Douglas
in leveraging additional funds from the State of Oregon's facility grant program
and energy incentives. Their assistance and leadership allowed our District to complete every project we promised to our citizens and, in many cases, more."
Don GrottingDavid Douglas School District
"I recommend, without
hesitation, that you
make one of the best
investments by working
with Cornerstone."
Howard ClarkAstoria School District
"There are a lot of good things I could say about the Cornerstone team, but as a
former school district CFO, the thing I appreciate most is the expertise of Craig
Markus. Craig has been around the construction industry for years, and his insight
into construction budgets and his detailed financial reports are truly the 'value added' that sets Cornerstone apart. For better or worse, I can always count on Craig to tell me exactly where we stand financially on any given project."
Adam StewartHillsboro School District 1J
"Cornerstone Management
Group provides the industry’s best guidance for keeping complex
projects on schedule and under budget—with quality in mind."
Lee ZumwaltPence Construction
"We worked with Cornerstone Management Group on the Pleasant Hill Elementary, Middle, and High School Additions and Renovations project. The project was a very
complex set of eight separate projects on an operational school district campus. From our position as the CM/GC for the project, Cornerstone did an excellent job of
keeping all team members informed throughout the project while helping to keep the project on schedule and within budget. Their approach to all team members is firm but fair, and we look forward to the next opportunity to work with them."
Brian Erickson Chambers Construction
"My experience working with the Cornerstone team on 35 projects
qualifies me to say that their organization demonstrates an
exceptionally high level of professionalism and expertise. They have always taken a proactive approach and have shown that integrated team-work benefits their clients and all stakeholders."
Paul Bentley PBA Architects